

Why was the terrorist general, Suleimani in Baghdad? Was he there for dinner, drinks, laughs and to tour the sights? President Trump has stated that Suleimani was there to plan something against Americans and American assets. Assuredly it was not about planting IEDs. He was there to plan something both audacious and spectacular. If President Trump was more specific, he might give away intelligence sources. No longer a part of government, I am allowed to speculate based on my long years of personal experience in the Middle East and now at home observing Iran using publicly available information. Suleimani had […]


-People get knifed and carved up by Moslems in England and the British are unwilling to call many of these attacks an act of terrorism. -Swedes are being attacked by Moslems daily and the Swedish government is unwilling to call these acts of terrorism. -French are being assaulted, knifed, shot, and run over by trucks and their leaders are unwilling to attribute some of these acts to Islamic terrorism. -Moslems in Australia commit horrible acts every day and the Ausies are unwilling to attribute this to terrorism. In America, a Saudi guns down people at NAS Pensacola and the FBI […]

France, dying

France: je ne t’aime plus encore! … (France: I don’t love you any more!) James E. (Jim) Horn The French-American love/hate relationship has always been in flux. I’ve traveled to France several times, enjoyed its art, culture, cosine, and night life. I’ve known, partied, and worked with wonderful French people. I won’t consider going there now. France came to our side during the American revolution which we may not have won without French support. France supported the United States in our other conflicts with the British. For this we love and are forever beholding to France. We returned the favor […]


Bostongate A White House Conspiracy? By James E. Horn Retired U.S. Diplomat (Counter Terrorism) Author: EXPERIENCING ISLAM [Censored by the CIA, Banned by Librarians] ISLAM in the Workplace HEALTHCARE IN AMERICA The savage Boston Marathon terrorist blasts were wildly cheered by “peace loving” Moslems the world over. Alert and capable Boston police quickly apprehended a Saudi citizen in the early stages of their investigation, Abdul al-Harbi, a terror watch list subject, and a “student” permitted to attend school in Findlay, Ohio, where he never showed up. Al Haribi was slightly wounded and spent a short period of time in […]