
America’s End? 4

America will not end in a flash or a bang. America might end with a whimper. If we get our stuff together, drain the swamp, lock, load, and bite the bullet we can win. Before World War II, the greatest Republic ever seen on this earth was already a target for elimination by vile psychopaths who developed followings and successors of like-minded sycophants who have multiplied themselves and now walk among and target us. Deep State NWO worshiping lunatics hold the highest levels of un-elected positions in our most sensitive agencies charged with protecting America, the DOD, DHS, FBI, and […]

Major League Rip-Off 1

An Update on What you need to know about Community Choice Aggregate (CCA) By James E. Horn President Ronald Reagan once said that the most terrifying thing we can hear is: “I’m from the guvmint and I’m here to help you. Consumers must be beware An phony offering or promising (with abundant sweet talk, fuzzy math, and vague promises) to bring reduced electric bills Community Choice Aggregates is commonly known as a Regional Council of Governments (RCOG) or something similarly named. A Regional Council of Governments (RCOG) derives from or is subordinate to a state Association of Councils of Government […]