

You May Be A Target America is rapidly becoming a very unsafe place. The rest of the world is becoming increasingly unsafe. When one steps out of their home, workplace, house of worship or elsewhere, even at their homes, bad people lurk. My mother was a cop. My father was an MP. I had neighbors and close friends who were cops, I’ve worked in National security with law enforcement types. I like cops. I really like good, honest cops who do their sworn duty correctly. Knife wielding followers of Mohammed’s ideology of hatred have been using knives to carve innocents […]


AMERICA’S JUDICIARY ON TRIAL James E Horn Americans who care are following illegitimate, corrupt, ineffective, wasteful, failing depraved White House organized Democratic operatives’ thrashing of serial defendant, President Trump in sham trials in kangaroo courts using lawfare. Simply, there are no crimes, and there are no victims, except for President Trump perversely being serially victimized. They may think they have President Trump on trial, but parts of America’s Judiciary are in fact on trial. In NEW YORK, Attorney General Letty (Letishia) James (campaign paid for by Soros) campaigned saying she would put Trump in jail – over what can best […]


Divorce, NO! Temporary Partition to Restore Order – YES! By James E. Horn This has been on my mind for a long time: It could act as a partial guideline. The preamble to the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, IN PART: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government […]

The Union

Divorce, NO! Temporary Partition to Restore Order – YES! By James E. Horn This has been on my mind for a long time: It could act as a guideline. We do not need an Article V Convention of States to amend our Constitution at this point, do we? A limited Convention to deal with a single proposed and agreed upon subject may be appropriate. America, after decades of Maoist/Marxist/Communist progressive influence is a mess. Some people are starting to call for a dissolution of the Union, a divorce. As the political climate in America becomes increasingly polarized, this controversial movement […]

The Gene Pool 1

It’s About the Gene Pool James E Horn Are we Americans in trouble? China is a huge menace. Islam is a vile, sneaky, stealthy menace that too few of us can properly grasp. Internally, we have a horrible dishonest corrosive axis of Democrats, Marxists, Communists, progressives weakening our precious, fragile republic. Those of us who truly care are disgusted and frustrated as we seek a way out of this morass. While we share common feelings, we are disunited and in need of capable leadership and understanding. History teaches that in distant ancient times, stronger tribes descended on and conquered weaker […]


WHISTLEBLOWER JEOPARDY By James E. Horn Does anyone ever wonder about whistleblowers being mostly long-time gov ernment employees who’ve been around long enough to take their pensions and leave? [Which I did after I blew the whistle on a huge multi-million fraud.] Why not younger people blowing the whistle? Typically a whistleblower in any federal agency can or will be subjected to intimidation and/or threats usually about losing their jobs, being suspended for long terms without pay, being demoted, losing their security clearances and access to their work spaces, facing a future without promotions or pay raises regardless of their […]

Voting is Perilous 2

VOTING MACHINES James E Horn I have traveled, lived and worked abroad for 25-years as an American diplomat. I learned how different nations conduct their elections/polling where some countries had as many as sixteen political parties. They got their ballots counted on election day. We are supposed to be a world leader in technology. But when it comes to balloting and tabulating ballots, we are a laughing stock banana republic of the third rank. Corruption abounds! With all of our high technology, it takes weeks to tabulate (weeks to corrupt the process and install fake, manufactured ballots into the insecure […]


DISGUSTING James E Horn I have voted in every election since 1961 when I was twenty-one years old and freshly out of the military. I have voted using paper ballots, punch cards, mechanical machines, and possibly/probably rigged electronic machines. I have also voted by absentee ballot. When I started voting, a photo ID was required to verify U.S. citizenship. This must be a nationwide requirement to verify that only verified U.S. citizens may cast a ballot. Anyone and everyone disputing this requirement must be treated as crackpots. Hate based outfits like the ACLU are hung up on the photo ID […]


The distribution of this information is protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. You have a First Amendment right to read and share this, or to not read it. CODE 20 EXPLAINED We are in troubling times that may be moving towards a violent conflict. President Trump was robbed of his 2020 re-election; the Communist Biden/Harris/Obama cabal are working to enslave us; both Islam (Islam is an ideology, not a race) and Communism are mortal existential threats along with the People’s Republic of China. The Deep State is real. They’re accountable to NOBODY […]

Ammo & Guns: Protect Them 1

Once again, Americans are faced with the ugly specter of gun seizures, draconian controls, prison sentences, and more at the hands of our Democratic – Communist – Nazi national leadership. Germany, Russia, China, North Korea, VietNam, Cambodia, and other nations outlawed and confiscated self defense guns before they collectively slaughtered over 200,000,000 innocents. Will America be added to this list of governments that slaughter innocent people before imposing draconian Communist controls on us – victims? The 1992 Los Angeles riots took a toll with dozens killed, thousands injured, and billions in damage to businesses and property leaving parts of Los […]