American Military, First Responders, Law Enforcement


What Has the FBI Become? -what it started out to fight – organized crime Dating back to its inception in 1908 to fight crime, crooked political machines, spies, crooked bankers, malefactors, etc., the evolved FBI of today ain’t what it was. Prescient Congressional lawmakers in 1908 feared that the FBI could abuse its power. SHAZZAM! We have a monster. J. Edgar Hoover took the helm of the FBI in 1924 and served for an unprecedented 48-years. He ruled the FBI with an iron hand and grew it into an agency with unprecedented and unchecked power. Meticulous, Hoover established an effective […]


Based on my training and experience the attempt on Trump was both permitted and incited! IMHO, God answered millions of prayers to protect Trump; and sent us a message! A whole bunch of people worked to incite this attempted assassination of a great man either directly or indirectly: Biden said to “put Trump in the bullseye”. The View, Morning Joe, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi who declared that “he must be stopped”, CNN, Rob Reiner, Stephen King, Democratic/Communist donors, Mark Hamill, the Communist media, and the list goes on. The remiss United States Secret Service (USSS) command […]


My take on COVID With the outbreak of COVID, leaders went off in different directions, mostly in the direction of money. Because so many people were afflicted, I paid close attention. I read a lot. I often retain bits of information. Early on, I read an article claiming that this virus had been under development at an Army biological weapons research facility in Maryland. Reportedly, it was determined that this biological agent was too dangerous to keep around and rather than destroy it, the pathogen was somehow assigned to the Chinese military affiliated Wuhan Institute of Virology. There is a […]


You May Be A Target America is rapidly becoming a very unsafe place. The rest of the world is becoming increasingly unsafe. When one steps out of their home, workplace, house of worship or elsewhere, even at their homes, bad people lurk. My mother was a cop. My father was an MP. I had neighbors and close friends who were cops, I’ve worked in National security with law enforcement types. I like cops. I really like good, honest cops who do their sworn duty correctly. Knife wielding followers of Mohammed’s ideology of hatred have been using knives to carve innocents […]


Divorce, NO! Temporary Partition to Restore Order – YES! By James E. Horn This has been on my mind for a long time: It could act as a partial guideline. The preamble to the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, IN PART: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government […]


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Not a fan of the FBI, NSA, and CIA, etc. who have abused the FISA to spy on Americans such as President Trump without warrants (including me) 278,000 times (probably more). This is a controversial issue, and I have repeatedly stood in opposition to section 702 of the FISA. I have written blog articles critical of the FBI which I believe is seriously compromised and corrupted. My writings alone have likely provoked the FBI to look askance at me, especially since I held the highest levels of TOP SECRET security clearances with special code word access […]

The Union

Divorce, NO! Temporary Partition to Restore Order – YES! By James E. Horn This has been on my mind for a long time: It could act as a guideline. We do not need an Article V Convention of States to amend our Constitution at this point, do we? A limited Convention to deal with a single proposed and agreed upon subject may be appropriate. America, after decades of Maoist/Marxist/Communist progressive influence is a mess. Some people are starting to call for a dissolution of the Union, a divorce. As the political climate in America becomes increasingly polarized, this controversial movement […]


Mexican cartels are clever, innovative, and ruthless. They are rolling in ill gotten money and are willing to spend money or do anything to protect their criminal interests. They will sell, kill, or pimp their mothers, sisters, or daughters to gain an edge. They own most of the Mexican government and police. They had a Mexican police doctor working for them to revive DEA agent KiKi Camarina a couple of times while they tortured him to death. Torture is a tool. A few years ago, I spent a few days and nights with others about a hundred yards from the […]

9/11 plus 22-years

An octogenarian, I have learned, seen, and experienced things that most people don’t get a chance to do. In this essay, I write to inform, to teach about Islam/Moslems, something that I know and understand well. Over time, I have assembled a glossary of some Arabic terms that the reader may find useful: Dar-al-Harb – land of war, battle: America What is a MOSQUE in Dar-al-Harb? A mosque is, in military terms, a Forward Observation Base (FOB) and a place to indoctrinate and train future terrorists; and a place to stash weapons. DHIMMI: Second class citizens (mainly Christians because most […]

Of Whistle Blowers and Inspectors General 1

INSPECTORS GENERAL Whistle Blowers The ineffective Inspector General (IG) Corps is in serious need of being inspected themselves. Their stated purpose in life is to conduct inspections within different elements of their respective federal agencies with a view to find irregularities and to initiate corrective actions up to and including referral to appropriate law enforcement agencies for criminal prosecutions. All Inspectors General are insiders coming from within the ranks of the government agency that they are responsible for inspecting. They are career members of their agencies and look forward to continuing and rising higher in their careers after they spend […]