Monthly Archives: May 2024


You May Be A Target America is rapidly becoming a very unsafe place. The rest of the world is becoming increasingly unsafe. When one steps out of their home, workplace, house of worship or elsewhere, even at their homes, bad people lurk. My mother was a cop. My father was an MP. I had neighbors and close friends who were cops, I’ve worked in National security with law enforcement types. I like cops. I really like good, honest cops who do their sworn duty correctly. Knife wielding followers of Mohammed’s ideology of hatred have been using knives to carve innocents […]

Disappointed with LDS 2

Disappointed with MORMONISM By James E Horn When I was a boy, a Minneapolis neighbor drove west on a vacation, had a heart attack at Salt Lake City, was hospitalized at a Mormon Hospital, cared for and was not charged. I was very impressed. On one of our three 1950’s TV channels, we were often entertained by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I was very impressed. I’ve learned that over the years, Mormons have done many wonderful things along with wartime sacrifices. Years later, in the Navy, we had a top electronics technician at one station who was a Mormon, a […]


AMERICA’S JUDICIARY ON TRIAL James E Horn Americans who care are following illegitimate, corrupt, ineffective, wasteful, failing depraved White House organized Democratic operatives’ thrashing of serial defendant, President Trump in sham trials in kangaroo courts using lawfare. Simply, there are no crimes, and there are no victims, except for President Trump perversely being serially victimized. They may think they have President Trump on trial, but parts of America’s Judiciary are in fact on trial. In NEW YORK, Attorney General Letty (Letishia) James (campaign paid for by Soros) campaigned saying she would put Trump in jail – over what can best […]


Divorce, NO! Temporary Partition to Restore Order – YES! By James E. Horn This has been on my mind for a long time: It could act as a partial guideline. The preamble to the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, IN PART: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government […]