
January 6, 2021

J-6, 2021 by James Horn Over the past four years, I have learned and observed and gained a perspective on J-6: On the night of January 5, 2021, the DC mayor ordered police escorts for busses hauling ANTIFA types into the heart of the District of Columbia where later, sporting Trump garb, they infiltrated the estimated one million strong MAGA crowd at the Trump rally. Many legitimate Trumpians (including my wife) noticed the unsmiling young men circulating until the Capitol police pulled barriers aside, opened doors, and invited (ANTIFA) rioters into the Capitol building. It has finally been affirmed by […]

THE RUSSIANS ARE HERE! By James E Horn The leftist media, like frantic drug addicts are hooked on what they claim is direct Russian involvement in the election that President Trump won. They are so intolerant of President Trump that like drowning rats, they cling to a hollow straw. That’s SNAFU (Situation Normal, All Fouled Up). The Mexico owned New York Times is in a tizzy reporting that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer at some point, but didn’t mention that the meeting was arranged by a Democrat operative. The (Mexican) Times also reported that Russians (OH my […]