
Is our Liberty, our Fragile Republic in Jeopardy? 1

By James E. We are in an increasingly chaotic near civil war crisis with Communist anarchists by whatever name they chose to use rioting in the streets, murdering citizens and police, and working to destroy our precious republic. We haven’t seen political violence of this nature or ferocity since the Civil War. Things are only going to get worse. President Trump has condemned the violence and Joe Biden, all of a sudden after noting that the violence was harming his campaign has chimed in, a hollow action. The Communist anarchists and their Democrat lackeys will not let up as […]

May Riots

America is a melting pot of varied cultures and ethnicities. It is also a place where many idiots and fools hold high offices because idiots and fools elect them. Minneapolis is senselessly aflame as have many other cities and communities over the years as ethnic tensions erupt. I grew up in Minneapolis. My mother was a Police Officer in Minneapolis. We had many friends who were cops. I passed the strict requirements and was on the waiting list to become a cop myself before I was called to serve in America’s Diplomatic Corps. For a quarter of a century, I […]

China, COVID-19

Gōngjī! Gōngjī! Gōngjī! On December 7, 1942, it was Tora! Tora! Tora! Both attacks were sneak attacks that plunged the world into apocalyptic chaos. The Japanese attack was planned and executed with military precision. The Wuhan China Virus is an unplanned event of Chinese origin that the Chinese Communist (CHICOM) Party has exploited. The ravaging Wuhan China inspired COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world forever. The COVID-19’s precise origins may seem murky to some. That is intentional considering that it is a sneak attack. The virus was apparently being tested in American and Canadian laboratories where an American scientist assisted […]

A Time To Hate 1

A Time to Hate It’s not too late. by DOV FISCHER May 11, 2020, 1:02 PM President Obama in 2014 (Drop of Light/ To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to […]

A Few Baubles

For a Few Baubles Few of our national leaders will admit it, but we are involved in World War III, and we are not doing well. We are facing two fronts. We have the best, most capable military on earth. They defend and protect us and our interests far and wide. The Iranians babble, but don’t dare to attack us directly. China and Russia fear our military and while they tease, they won’t initiate a military confrontation. Our military follow the principles of the seven Ps (Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance). That’s classic readiness. Our shameful political and […]

Sour Pusses

On Wednesday, February 20th, I Joined my friend, Bob Kowell as we spent a part of today in Rancho Mirage, Calif. at pro-Trump rallies. When Bob and I drove up to one area, we saw a bunch of American flags and smiling faces on one side of the highway and a bunch or sour pusses with zero American flags across the street The smiles had Trump posters and the sour pusses had hate Trump posters. No surprise there. To reach the friendlies, we had to pass through the opposition and three Sheriff deputies decided to escort us as we had […]


Are We Americans Being Duped? By James E. Horn I am sick and tired of all of this phony impeach Trump nonsense. The Democrats, driven by hatred and fear of President Trump just won’t give up. First, it was Stormy, then the Russians (are coming) hoax, and now the Ukranian hoax, soon to be another hoax. We know that Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are insanely manipulative liars. Chuckie Schumer is waiting in the wings for the impeachment process to hit the Senate where he can lie and fulminate in front of the cameras. What or who is behind all […]

Disturbing Trends

DISTURBING TRENDS By Bonnie M. Parsley According to the 2019 poll taken by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, 70% of Millennials would likely vote for a socialist. The same poll showed that support for capitalism has declined among this group in just the past year. This is terrifying. This alarming statistic shows the total failure of our schools and universities to educate students on the reality of socialism/communism/collectivism. As we approach Thanksgiving, polls such as this makes us wonder how many young people understand and are grateful for the great gift of freedom that our Constitution guarantees. The ignorance […]

Deep Fake 1

FOREIGN AFFAIRS ESSAYJanuary/February 2019 Issue Deepfakes and the New Disinformation War The Coming Age of Post-Truth Geopolitics By Robert Chesney and Danielle Citron A picture may be worth a thousand words, but there is nothing that persuades quite like an audio or video recording of an event. At a time when partisans can barely agree on facts, such persuasiveness might seem as if it could bring a welcome clarity. Audio and video recordings allow people to become firsthand witnesses of an event, sparing them the need to decide whether to trust someone else’s account of it. And thanks to smartphones, […]

Learn just bit to understand Islam better

*Terms, practices, or words used regularly in Mosques in the USA, in dealings with Americans, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. Arabic/Islamic words and terms that we Kufar (kafirs), dhimmi, non-Moslem infidels will find helpful and clarifying. Understanding Moslem values and ethics will remove your confusion and inability to comprehend Moslem thinking. ABD Arab word meaning Slave. Abdulla, Abdalla and other derivatives means a man who is a slave to Allah. ALWAGAHA Chutzpah, audacity, arrogance AMTULLAH Arab word meaning female Slave to Allah. There are over forty (40) words in Arabic describing female slaves. These words serve to categorize female slaves […]