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We are in troubling times that may be moving towards a violent conflict. President Trump was robbed of his 2020 re-election; the Communist Biden/Harris/Obama cabal are working to enslave us; both Islam (Islam is an ideology, not a race) and Communism are mortal existential threats along with the People’s Republic of China. The Deep State is real. They’re accountable to NOBODY and they’re hellbent on ERASING your rights and enslaving you.
We Americans have been so tolerant that we tolerate those who will not tolerate us! This must end.

OATH: At one time or another, most of us have sworn a sacred oath that included language to protect and defend our Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Protecting that Constitution is our main mission. The Democratic Communist Socialist Party (DCSP) government have forsaken that oath – have opted to be traitors. All traitors should face the harshest of mortal consequences for being turncoats.

CODE 20: A decorated former Marine Corps battle planner coined this idea. He fought in Vietnam where Marines successfully used special team tactics against the Communists. He coined CODE 20 as a modern movement to take on anti-Americans in government, in society, in our nation who hate you, your First Amendment guaranteed free speech rights, and the guarantor of free speech, the Second Amendment.

The “CODE 20” refers to a desired number of active patriotic activists in a Zip Code. A CODE 20 does not mean that a group must have exactly 20-members. A group can have as little as three or more than 50 members.

We are a secret society. Large secret societies are NOT secret because, in America, the haters of liberty and freedom will infiltrate such a secret society, plant agents’ provocateur to lure members into doing things that are unwise or illegal so that they (the FBI, DOJ, etc.) can jail them. That’s what happened on January 6, 2021.

CODE 20 are stand-alone operations, unattached to any entity.

The haters are determined to make our great America into a third world banana republic ruled by corrupt criminal racketeers and politicians and those who fund and support them. They pulled the rug out from under more than 75-million American voters in 2020. This cannot be tolerated. We know who our enemies are. [The 2020 election hijacking was perpetrated on we-the-American-people by criminals.]. [To quote Biden: “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization.”] Of the more than 75,000,000 Trump voters are many Democrats and 40+% are minority voters (anti-Trump Republicans and RINOS voted for Biden).

CODE 20 does not have a traditional Command and Control structure. It would be too easy for our enemies, the freedom hating corrupt criminals (the swamp) in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere, and their instruments of terror to identify and take action against us. By being small independent groups focused on legitimate pro-American goals and objectives of our own choosing we can remain anonymous and be incredibly effective and influential.

From Maine to Hawaii, Alaska to Florida and in the territories, there are thousands of zip codes. Within a given zip code, teams of about twenty+- patriots (thus, CODE-20) can self-organize to form powerful independent cells or several cells in highly populated zip codes. Independent cells can act against evil and corrupt politicians, Communists, the lying information media (the Main Stream Pravda), social media oligarchs such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, corrupt civil servants, groups, companies, even so-called religious groups (such as Islam), unions, and much more.

CODE 20’s are powerful, determined, skilled, imaginative and capable activists of all stripes united to defeat the enemies of the American Republic. Strong, smart, tough men and women built this nation and strong, smart, tough women and men will preserve it. We are mostly very nice people – but we must be just as un-nice when necessary.

Patriots in America are under attack:
( Our First Amendment (dreaded by tyrants) rights of free speech and assembly are under attack; and our rights to own and bear arms are under attack. Social media Haters are blocking us so that we cannot freely talk to one-another. We are overcoming this.

Action can take many forms such as attending public meetings and calling out corruption in venues such as school boards and teacher unions, neighborhoods, city (planning commission, city council), county, and even statewide entities. We can learn how to effectively approach and influence political leaders: Here’s another one,

We absolutely must, take both conventional and unconventional steps to preserve and protect our fragile Republic. One very important thing is to get going now to be INFLUENCERS and activists. Become election poll workers and volunteers to make certain that vote tallying is not messed with. Get rid of tallying machines built and/or controlled by outsiders. We must participate as workers and observers to ensure that every legal ballot is counted – once; that no phony ballots sneak into the counting process in the dark of night; that vote counting machines are not doctored so as to cancel votes or switch votes. Ideally, all foreign made machines should be scrapped – tossed out. Use ballots that we certify and manually count or visible hard ballots, either paper or punch cards that can be verified by individual voters or truly non-partisan monitors throughout the process. Everything must be tabulated in an open, transparent process (no black boxes) that does not employ any computerized gadgetry vulnerable to hacking or manipulation.

Our voting/tabulating machines must be:
• American made.
• Transparent – Visible.
• Stand alone with no external wires or power supply cords.
• Battery powered.
• Tempest protected.
• Shielded from the full spectrum of RF interference.
• Tamper proof.
Everybody with functioning brain cells must rain again and again on any and all officials involved in any way and every way to get the above done, to restore viability, integrity, efficiency, TRUST. This must be done before the next national elections take place.
Influencers gather contact information on officials and leaders in their community such as Chiefs of Police, Sheriffs, politicians, church and community leaders, etc., and send information that these officials may not otherwise receive; about crooked officials, about enemy ideologies such as the Marxists, the Communists, Moslem Brotherhood, Antifa, BLM, The Council on American-Islamic Relations, anarchists etc. Influencers can do it anonymously or put their name on what you send. Sending by postal mail is most effective. You can use latex gloves to keep your fingerprints from papers and envelopes that you don’t lick.

Public activism is good. Peaceful activism is good. There may be times where less peaceful means may be useful to protect ourselves, to get appropriate attention and action. Patriots stand up for America and do it in a way that commands respect, or even causes great fear among enemies; taken to disable or to cause physical damage, or even something more extreme. We cannot officially condone any deadly actions by a CODE 20 group, team, or individual. Neither will we condemn such actions if carried out in the spirit of protecting our Republic, our Constitution, our culture. This is why this is a self-managed but awesomely powerful movement that the haters of our country cannot use to identify other CODE 20 groups, etc.

CODE 20 will be the STORM!

Most of us may from time to time feel a need for a guideline or set of procedures to help us. Self-education or self-training is essential along with self-governance, and one such tool that has been used successfully by domestic terrorists is the book by Saul Alinsky titled: RULES FOR RADICALS. This is available by special order in bookstores like BARNES and NOBLE, etc., along with other guidelines that can actually be used to help and protect you as you destroy the haters. While it is a tool of the haters there is much valuable information that you can use in your CODE 20 groups.

Being a meaningful or effective political activist is not for the faint of heart: We are warriors, not necessarily combatants, but activists in bringing the haters down. Each CODE 20 group needs all types of people: writers, public speakers, researchers & investigators, fundraisers, computer geeks, logicians, attorneys, performers, everything, and, yes, militant people willing and capable of getting physical if or when necessary. Carrying out acts overtly as well as covertly need to be carefully managed to protect ourselves and team members. We make bad government quake in fear! EXTREMISM IN DEFENCE OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC AND CONSTITUTION IS A VIRTUE!

Within days of BiDung being installed in your White House, some haters called for interning All Republicans/Conservatives (you and I) in camps. Some haterts have openly called for the extermination of Republicans, Conservatives, Christians, etc. One Main Stream Ptalking head suggested using killer drones to hunt us down and to kill us. They can get away with declaring or supporting such on TV, MSN outlets, social media, etc. if we let them. When they do, we can sit on our backsides, contact the FBI and file a whiny complaint about being threatened; or track them down and cause them to seriously regret threatening us. Some Patriots are reciprocating, calling for the extermination of liberals. All is fair in war. Disable their cars, fires, whatever! Scare their families like they are doing to us.

We have a moral and ethical right to discuss or even apply vigilantism when our government, our federal, state, county, city and local courts and law enforcement refuse or are unable to serve we-the-people. When our civil and legal rights are breached, we rightfully lose confidence in a system that is presently increasingly hostile to every day citizens. (example: The January 6 mistreatment of many innocent demonstrators at the U.S. capitol).

According to the dictionary, being a full fledged vigilante involves becoming armed and possibly using weapons to enforce laws and deal with criminals. For the purpose of the CODE 20 movement, we can consider being a vigilant MILITIA going after and working to influence, punish, or otherwise deal harshly with delinquent or hateful officials and authorities with letter writing campaigns, contacting news media and publishing stories, using phones, the internet, posters, and more, etc., including organizing uprisings.

Possible militia actions: demonstrations, boycotts, vandalize the haters’ property, damage Communist Chinese (mainland, not Taiwan) goods in stores (just damaged packages can cause a product to be gotten rid of). Don’t buy or consume anything from Islamist or Communist countries from hater supporters such as COSTCO, Starbucks, Amazon, Target, etc. Raise hell about your tax dollars being sent abroad to fund terrorists determined to eliminate us (Taliban, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Communist China, etc.).

Finding good quality candidates that can run in local elections, where often the turnout is less than 10% isn’t hard . . . but it is vital. We need good guys on planning commissions, school boards, community boards, city councils, everywhere.

In the 2022 elections note that the Democratic movement had thousands of local and national Political Action Committees to raise billions of dollars to fund their operations and candidates. They did well.

Each CODE 20 group can/should establish one or more Political Action Committee/s (PACs) to raise funds both for operations and fund/support political and related programs in support of winning elections. Make up a list of targets and needs. List them in priority order, take action. Apply every tactic to the haters that they use against you. Do it! Attack everything they treasure. Discourage them. Frighten them. More.

We can start identifying haters, Communist/Marxist, and Sharia compliant Islamic Jihadi operatives and enterprises at the local level. Disrupt them in any and every way possible. Expose them for what they are in the local community. Nearly every city has one or more Democratic party headquarters. Ruin them, and when they repair, mess them up again. The same with Moslem Forward Operating Bases (FOB), i.e. Mosques, Madrassas, Islamic centers, etc. They’ve been doing it to us. Reciprocate…..

Political Islam (the Moslem Brotherhood, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Moslem Student Unions, etc.) are mortal existential enemies of the American Republic, of moral, ethical civilization. Never forget this and know that they may come after you, I, and every decent citizen in our nation. Islamic entities are very subtle at times but they are a major part and parcel of our enemies. They have Mosques (Forward Operating Bases), Madrassas (Islamic schools), stores, and many other tools working against us. At every opportunity damage their signs, property, etc. When they have their month of fasting or other holidays, set up bar-b-q grills (with “CODE-20 MILITIA” signs and posters) nearby and cook pork. It will drive them nuts. On every 9/11 anniversary drive by their Mosques at prayer time and make noise using horns, sirens, fireworks, etc.

Note that just about every mosque has a secret armory (hidden) stocked with weapons, poisons, explosives, and chemicals, etc. The armory is often called a RABAT, and if not hidden in the Mosque itself, it is nearby and is where they plot and prepare against us and even commit honor murdering (no longer in the news because they took this practice underground to avoid unpleasant publicity) of their rebellious women and girls, and others who greatly displease them.

Moslems are active participants with the BLM movement, Antifa, and other anarchist movements. They are to be exposed, opposed, and obstructed at every opportunity. Work to get Moslem Student Unions expelled from high schools, colleges, universities.

Keep track of their local activities. Learn when they buy property and start planning to build a mosque or other facility. They lie to Planning Commissions. Go and call them (and their supporters and fellow travelers, such as Interfaith groups) out. Explain to decision makers that trash will accumulate in streets, sewage lines can become overwhelmed, traffic congestion will occur, that they will park illegally, that Mosques are places where criminal plans are formed, weapons are stashed; they will build minarets and blast out (at over 200db) their five-times daily calls to prayer, and more. We can make it work in our favor. I was a leader in a small city where we blocked/cancelled a proposed 44,000 square foot mega-mosque. I have advised others in how to mess successfully with mosque projects. Do all that you can to make their lives miserable.

Venturing into places like the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area is taking a step into ENEMY TERRITORY. Be careful.

Here is a place where one can find a Congressional friends and foes list: From this you can identify your Communist, Moslem, Democrat, Socialist, RINO, and swamp dwelling haters and also decent leaders as regards who support liberty during contested elections. Find the names of enemy congresspeople and senators near you. Get their local office addresses and go there with a handful of fingerprint free notices to hang on car windows in their parking lots where you can hang something like: ATTENTION, personal vehicles in this area are subject to being damaged because you share parking spaces with (for example – Congressman Schiff). Do it a couple of times per year and that staff will find themselves harassed and even afraid – a successful militia/guerilla activity. This tactic can be used against enemies of the Republic at county, city, and other levels.

Use your many skills, talents, abilities, and imagination to devise whatever will work. Support that which is good.

Protect your identity. Use cryptonyms (pseudonyms) within your CODE 20 group so that you cannot be outed using your real name. Nobody should maintain a list of real names together with their cryptonyms. If the FBI/enemy captured it the whole group would be compromised. You could in some instances use a Democratic politician’s surname when going to public political meetings, etc. to challenge the haters.

Don’t trust DHS, the BATF, IRS, FBI or DOJ, etc. They are underhanded and badly compromised. As the world we once knew is increasingly hostile to citizens and patriots who care, be wary.

The Democrats, political Islam, Antifa, and BLM thugs and anarchists are the equivalent of Hitler’s Brown Shirt thugs and they may even get information fed to them by traitorous elements within the government. Remember always that the FBI, DOJ, and others are colluding with and protecting traitors such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barak Hussein Obama, John Kerry, Kamal-a Harris, the Joe Biden crime syndicate, Eric Swalwell, etc.

Use only cash or untraceable gift cards for purchases in connection with your CODE 20 activities.

Get armed up. Learn and apply gun safety. Learn how to stash your guns & ammo away from intrusive cops and ground penetrating radar (Obama put down looking radar in a chopper in every county). Check this out:, and Ghost guns are not illegal.

Make copies of this and hand distribute them in your community, within your zip code, in neighboring zip codes. Email this to others, post it on social media, make copies and mail them; blast it all over the country.

SECURITY: We have many enemies. Beware of imposters. Meet with your members in person, never repeating regularly at the same location. Do not communicate electronically (email, messenger, phone, zoom, etc. unless encrypted). Letter (snail) mail is an incredible tool. You can go to this site and download a PDF on Insurrection:

“Good Germans” in Hitler’s Germany did nothing to offend the regime. Neither did they do anything to protect or to save decent, innocent people from extermination. Know where you stand.

A good read written by General Mike Flynn:

Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: 5 Lessons I Learned When the Deep State Came After Me and My Family

To gain an insight into what seems to be coming our (your) way (and to get some points on how to proceed as mayhem sets in):

God Bless!

About James E. Horn

Retired American Diplomat served in American embassies and consulates for 25-years, ten in Islamic societies. I am not a fan of Islam. I do public speaking and have books listed.

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2 thoughts on “CODE 20 EXPLAINED

  • Richard Weston Jones

    July 6, 2023
    To: James E. Horn

    Thanks for giving me reference to this site and to your Code 20 that you’ve explained here. I’ve read it. I’m pleased to read something of such asset value and practicality. To a people who would rather ignore what is happening in this country, at least until something or someone comes up with a plan of action that presents a plausibility for victory against the myriad of destructive forces acting against us. Not only do I welcome this information you have provided, I would like your permission to copy and paste this information in its entirety into a WORD or PDF form. I would be pleased to include it, with a compliment of information, that I present and distribute here, locally and in person, to fellow working citizens, men and women plus students, in my own community in Winston-Salem, NC (27104).

    Thanks so much!
    Richard Weston Jones
    U.S. Army (ret)