My take on COVID With the outbreak of COVID, leaders went off in different directions, mostly in the direction of money. Because so many people were afflicted, I paid close attention. I read a lot. I often retain bits of information. Early on, I read an article claiming that this virus had been under development at an Army biological weapons research facility in Maryland. Reportedly, it was determined that this biological agent was too dangerous to keep around and rather than destroy it, the pathogen was somehow assigned to the Chinese military affiliated Wuhan Institute of Virology. There is a […]


AMERICA’S JUDICIARY ON TRIAL James E Horn Americans who care are following illegitimate, corrupt, ineffective, wasteful, failing depraved White House organized Democratic operatives’ thrashing of serial defendant, President Trump in sham trials in kangaroo courts using lawfare. Simply, there are no crimes, and there are no victims, except for President Trump perversely being serially victimized. They may think they have President Trump on trial, but parts of America’s Judiciary are in fact on trial. In NEW YORK, Attorney General Letty (Letishia) James (campaign paid for by Soros) campaigned saying she would put Trump in jail – over what can best […]


Divorce, NO! Temporary Partition to Restore Order – YES! By James E. Horn This has been on my mind for a long time: It could act as a partial guideline. The preamble to the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, IN PART: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government […]


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Not a fan of the FBI, NSA, and CIA, etc. who have abused the FISA to spy on Americans such as President Trump without warrants (including me) 278,000 times (probably more). This is a controversial issue, and I have repeatedly stood in opposition to section 702 of the FISA. I have written blog articles critical of the FBI which I believe is seriously compromised and corrupted. My writings alone have likely provoked the FBI to look askance at me, especially since I held the highest levels of TOP SECRET security clearances with special code word access […]

The Union

Divorce, NO! Temporary Partition to Restore Order – YES! By James E. Horn This has been on my mind for a long time: It could act as a guideline. We do not need an Article V Convention of States to amend our Constitution at this point, do we? A limited Convention to deal with a single proposed and agreed upon subject may be appropriate. America, after decades of Maoist/Marxist/Communist progressive influence is a mess. Some people are starting to call for a dissolution of the Union, a divorce. As the political climate in America becomes increasingly polarized, this controversial movement […]


WILD LIFE KILLING FIELDS Where is Greenpeace, the outfit that chases and dangerously harasses Japanese whaling ships? Where is the Audubon Society? Where is the Nature Conservancy? Where is the National Wildlife Federation? Where the hell are they? Oh, are they just left wing liberal organizations following a different agenda? Ah, it’s to protect the climate, right? SOLAR POWER Solar collector fields adversely affect wildlife habitat endangering wildlife populations or can even lead to the extinction of certain species. Solar farms can degrade the land destroying food sources for wildlife, and even degrade biodiversity. Concentrated solar thermal power using heliostat […]

Mail Order Murder

Our precious children are our future. That future is increasingly bleak. America’s enemies are going strong. We are dealing with sick twisted teachers who are either willfully or simply ignorant haters of what’s right for families and in classrooms that daily fail children. These same teachers are members of a powerful, hateful Marxist union working daily to undermine home schooling along with private and Christian schooling where America’s future leaders are being educated. We have two factions in a conflict where folks are either pro-Abortion or Pro-life. The Supreme Court has ruled, after decades, that Abortion is immoral and can […]


DISGUSTING James E Horn I have voted in every election since 1961 when I was twenty-one years old and freshly out of the military. I have voted using paper ballots, punch cards, mechanical machines, and possibly/probably rigged electronic machines. I have also voted by absentee ballot. When I started voting, a photo ID was required to verify U.S. citizenship. This must be a nationwide requirement to verify that only verified U.S. citizens may cast a ballot. Anyone and everyone disputing this requirement must be treated as crackpots. Hate based outfits like the ACLU are hung up on the photo ID […]


Deadly Vaccine By James E. Horn 10/22/2022 Dubbed the Wuhan Plague, the current survival rate for coronavirus infected Americans is reportedly better than 99.7% when appropriate treatment protocols using available products such as HCQ and Ivermectin are properly administered. When the Wuhan Plague was in its early stages, President Trump called for a vaccine to protect people from infection. Obviously, President Trump meant a viable, safe vaccine. Big Pharma did not deliver a safe, effective vaccine. Big Pharma betrayed President Trump and the American people by delivering toxic experiments. Champions of eugenics are fully supportive of administering the death/clot shots […]

America’s End? 4

America will not end in a flash or a bang. America might end with a whimper. If we get our stuff together, drain the swamp, lock, load, and bite the bullet we can win. Before World War II, the greatest Republic ever seen on this earth was already a target for elimination by vile psychopaths who developed followings and successors of like-minded sycophants who have multiplied themselves and now walk among and target us. Deep State NWO worshiping lunatics hold the highest levels of un-elected positions in our most sensitive agencies charged with protecting America, the DOD, DHS, FBI, and […]