What Has the FBI Become? -what it started out to fight – organized crime Dating back to its inception in 1908 to fight crime, crooked political machines, spies, crooked bankers, malefactors, etc., the evolved FBI of today ain’t what it was. Prescient Congressional lawmakers in 1908 feared that the FBI could abuse its power. SHAZZAM! We have a monster. J. Edgar Hoover took the helm of the FBI in 1924 and served for an unprecedented 48-years. He ruled the FBI with an iron hand and grew it into an agency with unprecedented and unchecked power. Meticulous, Hoover established an effective […]

Disappointed with LDS 2

Disappointed with MORMONISM By James E Horn When I was a boy, a Minneapolis neighbor drove west on a vacation, had a heart attack at Salt Lake City, was hospitalized at a Mormon Hospital, cared for and was not charged. I was very impressed. On one of our three 1950’s TV channels, we were often entertained by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I was very impressed. I’ve learned that over the years, Mormons have done many wonderful things along with wartime sacrifices. Years later, in the Navy, we had a top electronics technician at one station who was a Mormon, a […]


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Not a fan of the FBI, NSA, and CIA, etc. who have abused the FISA to spy on Americans such as President Trump without warrants (including me) 278,000 times (probably more). This is a controversial issue, and I have repeatedly stood in opposition to section 702 of the FISA. I have written blog articles critical of the FBI which I believe is seriously compromised and corrupted. My writings alone have likely provoked the FBI to look askance at me, especially since I held the highest levels of TOP SECRET security clearances with special code word access […]

Mohammad Schumer, Apostate

Chuckie (Mustapha) Schumer James E Horn JINO (Jewish In Name Only) Charles Schumer has been a New York Senator representing thousands of cash paying/donating Moslems since the stone age. He is a despicable person, a traitor, and, in my opinion an apostate. In 1985, I was assigned to the administrative section of the American Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh. At that point in my career, I had a lot of acquired credentials, one of them a Consular Commission with authority to issue visas., passports, etc. Bangladesh was/is a major league shitpit. When life there became overwhelming for many of us, we […]


You, the reader may wish to delete this now before you begin. What I am going to write is factual, harsh, stark. It is based on history, teachings, and my personal observations and experiences during twelve years of living and working in the Middle East, and reality. I have devoted most of my life protecting and defending America. Islam’s princes of chaos live their lives in accordance with Mohammed’s teachings – found in the Koran, Mohammed’s biography, and the Sunnah (the traditions and practices of Mohammed (hereinafter referred to as Mo) that constitute the model for Muslim men to follow.) […]

Women of Islam

From the moment they leave the womb, Moslem women are infused with Islamic, Mohammedist teachings (Mohammed heard the biblical tale of Adam and Eve and made it a part of his teachings), that women are sinful, inferior beings deserving of all that befalls them. Moslem women are not free – ever. They are destined to be owned – controlled by men as wives or slaves. Their fathers sell them. The men in their family can ‘honor’ kill them based on a whim. They must obey their fathers, brothers, husbands, sons or be beaten for any infraction. Many Moslem women wear […]

9/11 plus 22-years

An octogenarian, I have learned, seen, and experienced things that most people don’t get a chance to do. In this essay, I write to inform, to teach about Islam/Moslems, something that I know and understand well. Over time, I have assembled a glossary of some Arabic terms that the reader may find useful: Dar-al-Harb – land of war, battle: America What is a MOSQUE in Dar-al-Harb? A mosque is, in military terms, a Forward Observation Base (FOB) and a place to indoctrinate and train future terrorists; and a place to stash weapons. DHIMMI: Second class citizens (mainly Christians because most […]

Cancel Culture, Banned, Booted, De-Platformed (a free booklet) 1

By James E. Horn I’ve encountered the Censors. We have all at one time in one way or another been Censored. Those doing or causing the censoring are predominantly sick, evil, intolerant tyrants. In the most part, they are not members of the civil or civilized culture. A controversial writer and speaker, I have had my writing expressions removed, deleted, and shunned. Linkedin and YouTube have come after me. I don’t use them anymore. Facebook regularly sends me into temporary exile of up to 30-days. Twitter is notorious for banning or shadow banning decent, honest folks, giving people a time-out, […]

Phil Haney

A friend and former colleague in the field of Counter-Terrorism has been found dead, apparently murdered. In 2016, Haney published a book, “See Something, Say Nothing,” that outlined the Obama administration’s attempts to block him from investigating Islamic radicalism because his investigations were inherently “racist” (a common claim by Islamists made against anyone who speaks the truth) toward the Muslim community. Counter Terrorism DHS Whistle blower on Obama Admin Phil Haney Found Dead ——————————————————————– Some comments from others OT: “Philip Haney. He was the DHS whistleblower that dropped the hammer on the Obama administration regarding the Muslim Brotherhood and […]

More on Taquiyya

Muslim Deceit and the Burden of Proof If Islam permits deceit, why should non-Muslims let their guard down? January 21, 2020 Raymond Ibrahim Raymond Ibrahim, author most recently of Sword and Scimitar, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. In his recent defense of the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya (dismantled here), Usama Hasan, of the UK think tank Quilliam, made the following admission: It is true that hardened Islamist terrorists, such as the Al-Qaeda & ISIS supporter Usman Khan who murdered two people at Fishmongers’ Hall [after pretending to have been “rehabilitated”], do misuse the principle of […]