Moslem Botherhood

Russia’s Ukraine

My take on the Russian invasion of the Ukraine: While all of the TV pundits seem focused on Russian actions in the Ukraine, they appear to be somewhat ignorant of the ‘realpolitik’ involved. I believe that Vladimir Putin’s overarching consideration is the preservation and protection of a sovereign ‘mother’ Russia now and far into the future. A weakened, increasingly xenophobic Russian remnant of the USSR has felt vulnerable to what they understand to be a predatory west. Vladimir Putin was a serious chess master by the time he finished his KGB training and received his commission. He is more than […]

Racism or Bigotry

Racism or Bigotry James E. Horn We are all creatures of our existence, of our lives, of our experiences, our training, our formal and informal educations, and births. I am Caucasian. I was born that way. I am stuck with my skin. In a world of over seven billion people, about 3% of us are Caucasians – a serious minority. I am not evil nor am I a criminal for just being born as I am. When a person looks at me, do they immediately see my history or do they judge me by my complexion? Am I being profiled? […]

Phil Haney

A friend and former colleague in the field of Counter-Terrorism has been found dead, apparently murdered. In 2016, Haney published a book, “See Something, Say Nothing,” that outlined the Obama administration’s attempts to block him from investigating Islamic radicalism because his investigations were inherently “racist” (a common claim by Islamists made against anyone who speaks the truth) toward the Muslim community. Counter Terrorism DHS Whistle blower on Obama Admin Phil Haney Found Dead ——————————————————————– Some comments from others OT: “Philip Haney. He was the DHS whistleblower that dropped the hammer on the Obama administration regarding the Muslim Brotherhood and […]

Vetting Moslems at Miliary Bases 1

By James E. Horn Pensacola, Fla.: A Saudi national murdered four wonderful Americans while at least ten fellow Saudis stood by, watched, and even assisted the perpetrator. Days later, the Pentagon announced that it will do a better job of vetting foreign military student/trainees. HOGWASH! Properly and thoroughly vetting Saudis, Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Turks, Pakistanis, nationals of the fifty-seven (57) states of the umma of Islam is not feasible. Crime statistics near and at military training facilities that host some of these characters are grossly underreported by despicably Politically Correct military, federal, and local authorities, and the media. The fix is […]


-People get knifed and carved up by Moslems in England and the British are unwilling to call many of these attacks an act of terrorism. -Swedes are being attacked by Moslems daily and the Swedish government is unwilling to call these acts of terrorism. -French are being assaulted, knifed, shot, and run over by trucks and their leaders are unwilling to attribute some of these acts to Islamic terrorism. -Moslems in Australia commit horrible acts every day and the Ausies are unwilling to attribute this to terrorism. In America, a Saudi guns down people at NAS Pensacola and the FBI […]

Learn just bit to understand Islam better

*Terms, practices, or words used regularly in Mosques in the USA, in dealings with Americans, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. Arabic/Islamic words and terms that we Kufar (kafirs), dhimmi, non-Moslem infidels will find helpful and clarifying. Understanding Moslem values and ethics will remove your confusion and inability to comprehend Moslem thinking. ABD Arab word meaning Slave. Abdulla, Abdalla and other derivatives means a man who is a slave to Allah. ALWAGAHA Chutzpah, audacity, arrogance AMTULLAH Arab word meaning female Slave to Allah. There are over forty (40) words in Arabic describing female slaves. These words serve to categorize female slaves […]

Getting Out of Syria

Getting Out of The Syrian Sand Pit By James E. Horn We hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the scrambled egg hat wearing brass at the Pentagon. President Trump is pulling out of Syria. I think that is wonderful and shows that President Trump is smart – brilliant. The brass hat generals are little concerned about the many American body bags that have already come home, and the hundreds of shattered, wounded men. They just want more American blood and guts spread in the sands of Syria. The vast majority of those generals and their sycophant staffers have […]


Strasbourg, Yellow Vests, Colonization, Colonials and Citizens Push Back By James E. Horn We Americans missed the boat, or can we say that we dodged this bullet? Led by the British colonization of America plus the British and the French, Western Europeans colonized, Africa, the Middle East, and much of Asia. They are now harvesting the fruits of their labor….. Early on, the American colonies (with the valued help of France) kicked the British out, and we’ve (Americans, British, French) been more-or-less allies in many ways ever since. However, since joining the socialist European Union and repeatedly electing socialist governments […]


Spies, Espionage, Collusion THE SWAMP Be James E. Horn Former FBI director and now partisan hack Robert Mueller is a true boogeyman knowingly in search of a faux boogeyman dubbed Russian collusion based on a contrived (fake) accusation. After more than 500 days of not finding anything to implicate President Trump, Mueller needs to look at himself in a mirror to see a real, genuine enemy of we-the-people’s presidency. Mueller’s gross, failed witch hunt is simply disgusting. Nobody should doubt for a minute that Russians colluded by paying millions to Hillary and her gangster crew and sent millions to others […]

unsafe for the Civilized Community

Unsafe for the Civilized Community: THE SAD STATE OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT, CENSORSHIP ABUSES, AND OUR FAILING GOVERNMENT By James E. Horn We are many but not enough as individuals. We are Politically Incorrect. We may be Agnostics and Atheists, Jews, Buddhists, Christians, Hindu, Shinto, or of any decent, respectful, or even humble belief system or faith not inclined to kick or to push back, until now. Oh yes, if we were anti-American Communists or Moslems inclined to go off on a violent, intimidating, bulling, name calling rampage, it would be, and often is quite different. People fear Moslems because […]