

A long but more than a simply informative read. This is THE ChiCom Recipe for revenge and world domination. May be stunning for some. A prequel to Orwell’s 1984? The British conquered China and also conquered North America and with other countries joining in and basically subverting and eliminating the indigenous peoples of North America. In Communist convoluted thinking, we are the descendants, the beneficiaries of the British conquest of North America. The Chinese are now doing to us what we and our ancestors, predecessors with modern narcotics, fentanyl. In this lengthy speech by a Communist Chinese senior official and […]


COVID plus In My Humble Opinion: I don’t think anybody can or will pinpoint the first creation of the COVID virus. Wherever it originated, this deadly pathogen either escaped or was released from CHINA’s biological weapons lab in Wuhan. After it began to spread, sick Chinese were permitted to travel the world spreading the virus amongst innocent populations. This seems to fit in with what World Economic Forum (WEF) proponents of population reduction like Bill Gates desire. Five thousand WEF elites joined together in January of 2023 at Davos, Switzerland to further map out their takeover of a less populated […]

America’s End? 4

America will not end in a flash or a bang. America might end with a whimper. If we get our stuff together, drain the swamp, lock, load, and bite the bullet we can win. Before World War II, the greatest Republic ever seen on this earth was already a target for elimination by vile psychopaths who developed followings and successors of like-minded sycophants who have multiplied themselves and now walk among and target us. Deep State NWO worshiping lunatics hold the highest levels of un-elected positions in our most sensitive agencies charged with protecting America, the DOD, DHS, FBI, and […]


The distribution of this information is protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. You have a First Amendment right to read and share this, or to not read it. CODE 20 EXPLAINED We are in troubling times that may be moving towards a violent conflict. President Trump was robbed of his 2020 re-election; the Communist Biden/Harris/Obama cabal are working to enslave us; both Islam (Islam is an ideology, not a race) and Communism are mortal existential threats along with the People’s Republic of China. The Deep State is real. They’re accountable to NOBODY […]

Today’s New World Order is Doomed 1

NEW WORLD ORDER (Orwell’s book – 1984) James E. Horn www.jamesehorn.com The guiding mantra of every NWO is ‘POWER BY ANY MEANS NECESSSARY’. The current Russia-Ukraine conflict brings renewed attention to the present New World Order who backed and encouraged Zelenskyy to provoke Russia. Zelenskyy’s Ukraine has been stalemated by freedom seeking ethnic Russians in the Donbas and Eastern Ukraine. Zelenskyy wanted to join NATO and thereby obtain advanced NATO weaponry and allies to use against the ethnic Russians. It backfired. Are Zelenskyy and the NWO responsible for provoking death and destruction in Ukraine by poking a finger in the […]

Russia’s Ukraine

My take on the Russian invasion of the Ukraine: While all of the TV pundits seem focused on Russian actions in the Ukraine, they appear to be somewhat ignorant of the ‘realpolitik’ involved. I believe that Vladimir Putin’s overarching consideration is the preservation and protection of a sovereign ‘mother’ Russia now and far into the future. A weakened, increasingly xenophobic Russian remnant of the USSR has felt vulnerable to what they understand to be a predatory west. Vladimir Putin was a serious chess master by the time he finished his KGB training and received his commission. He is more than […]

Racism or Bigotry

Racism or Bigotry James E. Horn We are all creatures of our existence, of our lives, of our experiences, our training, our formal and informal educations, and births. I am Caucasian. I was born that way. I am stuck with my skin. In a world of over seven billion people, about 3% of us are Caucasians – a serious minority. I am not evil nor am I a criminal for just being born as I am. When a person looks at me, do they immediately see my history or do they judge me by my complexion? Am I being profiled? […]

A Few Baubles

For a Few Baubles Few of our national leaders will admit it, but we are involved in World War III, and we are not doing well. We are facing two fronts. We have the best, most capable military on earth. They defend and protect us and our interests far and wide. The Iranians babble, but don’t dare to attack us directly. China and Russia fear our military and while they tease, they won’t initiate a military confrontation. Our military follow the principles of the seven Ps (Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance). That’s classic readiness. Our shameful political and […]

WWIII Anyone ?

By Giacomino Nicolazzo March 24, 2020 Montecalvo, Lombardy, Italy. As I sit here in my involuntary isolation, it was just reported that overnight 743 more people died and 5.249 new cases have been reported. This brings the total cases of infection to 69,176 and the body count to 6,820. We take relief in knowing that 8,326 people have recovered so far. (Numbers as of 3/24, 8:30pm in Italy.) Most towns here in Italy, from the upper reaches of the Alps to the ancient shores of Sicilia and Sardenia, while not deserted, are closer to being ghost towns than the bustling […]

Phil Haney

A friend and former colleague in the field of Counter-Terrorism has been found dead, apparently murdered. In 2016, Haney published a book, “See Something, Say Nothing,” that outlined the Obama administration’s attempts to block him from investigating Islamic radicalism because his investigations were inherently “racist” (a common claim by Islamists made against anyone who speaks the truth) toward the Muslim community. https://www.bizpacreview.com/2020/02/22/obama-administration-whistleblower-found-dead-of-reported-gunshot-wound-889937 Counter Terrorism DHS Whistle blower on Obama Admin Phil Haney Found Dead ——————————————————————– Some comments from others OT: “Philip Haney. He was the DHS whistleblower that dropped the hammer on the Obama administration regarding the Muslim Brotherhood and […]